April 28, 2014

pinhole day 2014

coffee box; f/250; 30 minutes exposure, starting time at 17:34 on 27th April 2014; Agfa Brovira-speed 2 photo paper; Fomadon positive developer.

September 13, 2013

end of time

I had a dream time ago. A big planet was coming toward the Earth and it has two stars shining around. The light was so yellowish and somehow dark as the Apocalypse was coming. I tried to make a photograph about that image in my head, making multi exposures, but it was still hard to make everithing as it was in front of my dreaming eyes. So I had to make some photo montage as well. Silver gelatin print, Fomapan 100; multiexposure; photomontage; lense and off camera lense tecnique used.